Farm from a Box

Although many farmers were interested on Farm From a Box’s off-grid farming solution, few had turned to customers. Additionally, being packaged in a shipping container meant that often it was getting miscategorized as a “shipping container” farm.

User Research
We conducted primary and secondary research to understand barriers for adoption and better define the audience. We interviewed existing customers as well as interested yet not converted farmers. Our user research revealed that many farmers were resistant due to the upfront investment cost. Furthermore, we found that experienced farmers were les likely to adopt the product as working with its IOT solutions required training and a shift from their established processes.


  • To increase market fit, we narrowed the target audience to commercial farmers aiming to operate more sustainably, communities in need of building more food independence, and disaster recovery efforts.

  • To illustrate opportunity, we highlighted target audience’s success stories: enabling commercial farmers to swiftly transition to regenerative practices, improving food security for communities by increasing crop yield, and empowering disaster recovery efforts to jumpstart local food production. 

  • To overcome farmer’s resistance to initial costs, we detailed available financing options.

  • To inspire trust, we showcased prominent press mentions, the founder’s TEDx talk and their partnerships with well-known humanitarian agencies like CARE International and the United Nations World Food Programme.

Beyond clearly conveying how Farm from a Box empowers farmers, the streamlined website helped double customer purchase intent. 

Awards: Shorty Award for Social Good and was featured in AdWeek

Brandi DeCarli, Founding Partner, Farm from a Box

"Working with your team has been so important for our success... You know how to craft and target our brand and message so that it resonates with B2C but also on a global level with our institutional and government partners.