
Having been accepted to Techstars, Official needed to validate market fit. Initial marketing as a customer loyalty solution had lack-luster results.

User Research
After analyzing existing consumer feedback and metrics, I performed stakeholder interviews and mapped the customer journey, delineating what parts of the product were B2B and which were B2B2C. I designed user flows for the various experiences and iterated based on user feedback.

Given that Official serves more as an infrastructure layer supplying a highly technical and nuanced fractional ownership calculations, I prioritized creating a user experience that could be easily customized to match the host company’s site branding. I stripped down the end-customer facing UI to its basic elements, easing implementation, and limiting the application of the Official brand to key custom stickers.

Based on user insights, I recommended, since they were  ‘democratizing ownership,’ that they reframe their offering to be more of a  finance or benefits provider. To further fine tune positioning as a novel stock option provider, I redesigned their brand, creating a new logo, icon, colors and custom designed a family of stickers.

This work is ongoing, but so far they have had success with their fundraise and were highly praised during Demo Day. I am excited to further flush out other parts of the platform we’re currently working on.

Juan Carlos Hernandez, Co-Founder & CEO, Official

"Working with Sylvia up-levels your company. She has truly genius product design and marketing skills.